
第一题ABC DC CD abd第二题is.am.are.be第三题check going right in your gonna eat第三题zero tolerance for the first time ever you want to be a great day第四题be there in my heart and Rrrrtttr The way I could h***e to do
1.It is essentinlly how Jessica Hagy starts her day a lot of time thinking about what 's interesting to her.
2.If someone is making up some conversation that might be interesting,it is probably not going to land well.
3.It motivates people to seek information.
1.His students had trouble geting on with each other.
2.A great number of students stayed at school to do their homework.
3.His students were struggling to follow his lessons.
4.A group of children were playing chess after school.
5.Visit a chess team.
1.The ease of access to the content of the webpage.
2.Their desire to contribute to the cause of science.
3.The significance and influence of the project itself.
4.Their feeling of connection to the scientists
5.They should be ambitious.
1.A maker space is where people make things according to their interests.
2.The teachers' role is enhanced in a maker space as they h***e to monitor and facilitate during the process.
3.Coming up with an area of one's own or improving one from others.
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